Our walkthrough continues with a guide to tracking down that Lift Activation Key. Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 4: locate the Lift Activation Key and explore the poisonous mine tunnels Surviving the poison gas section of the intimidating mines.
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 4: explore the mines, survive the poisonous fog, and reach the elevator shaft How to solve the fiddly platform puzzle, and track down another Tower Emblem. Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 4: solve the moving platform puzzle, find the secret ledge, and reach the mysterious corpse Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 4: navigate the waterways, explore the abandoned building, then find the crane How to make it safely through the next timed section of Episode 4. Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 4: survive the countdown, get through the fence and lower the platforms Our walkthrough for the final episode begins with a tour around the tower. Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 4: Explore the tower, lower the walkway, confront Alex and escape